Edit wishlist
In the editing screen of a wishlist, you can make basic settings to the wishlist as well as assign new products, remove existing products or control the order of the products. The editing screen is divided into two areas:
Basis Informationen
Customers can normally edit their wishlists themselves in the account area. In the administration, however, you have the option of making adjustments to the wishlists or creating wishlists manually.
Base Information
Define the name and basic settings of the wishlist, such as the assignment to a sales channel and customers.
The name of the wishlist can be specified in this field.
Private wishlists can only be seen by one customer. If the checkbox is not activated, the wishlist is public and can be accessed by any user who knows the link to this wish list.
Numerische Eingabe
If a customer has several wishlists, these can be sorted automatically. The higher the value in this field, the higher the wishlist is in the list.
Specify the sales channel for which the wishlist should be visible.
Select a customer for whom the wishlist should be.
In this area, you can assign new products to a wishlist, remove existing products or change the order.
Product assignment
Select a new product from the dropdown or type a product name or product number directly into the dropdown field to filter for specific products.
A list of all products in the wishlist is displayed below the dropdown for the Product assignment. The display sequence can be changed by clicking on the up and down arrows. Clicking on the three dots opens a menu with the option to remove a product from the wishlist.
Last updated
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