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Install the extension via Extensions > My Extensions.
Since Shopware 6.4.: Please disable Shopware own wishlist at "Settings -> Cart settings -> Wishlist".
There are two aspects to the Wishlist extension:
Basic Configuration
Admin Dashboard
Follow the steps in the section Basic Configuration first, then refer to the section Admin Dashboard for details on how to manage the extension on an ongoing basis.
Before activating the extension, check the settings in this section and make sure that they meet your requirements. Make changes to the individual fields as described below by selecting My Extensions > Wishlists for Shopware 6 > Configure.
Firstly, enter a sales channel for which the extension should be activated. The default setting is All sales channels.
The general properties offer basic controls, such as activating/deactivating the extension and defining the visibility of data.
Activate Wishlists
Activate this setting to use the wishlist extensions in your shop.
Add to wishlist in article listing
Offers the option of adding items to the wishlist in the item listing. This option is only available for articles without variants. Possible settings are - No - As a heart icon - As a button
Show wishlist icon in header
Display a wishlist icon in the header next to the account icon.
Login required
If activated user needs login before he can add products to wishlist.
Show additional product data in wishlist
If activated the information for a product in a wishlist are extended.
Product quantity as textfield
If activated, the quantity for wishlist products is selected by text field and not by dropdown.
Max. number wishlists per user
Numerical Input
Maximum number of wishlists per user. 0 = unlimited
Quantity 0 allowed
Products may have the quantity 0 in the wishlist.
Update products in the public wishlist after ordering any of its products
After ordering the product from the public wishlist update the quantity of the ordered product or remove the product from the public wishlist if the new quantity is less than 1.
The settings in this area relate to whether old wishlists should be deleted automatically.
Enable automatic deletion
Activates the automatic deletion of old wishlists. These are wishlists that have passed a certain creation date.
Only delete anonymous wishlists
If activated, only wishlists from guests are deleted. These are wishlists that are not assigned to a registered customer.
Delete wishlists after days
Numerical Input
Defines how old the creation date of the wishlist must be before it is automatically deleted.
The settings in this area determine what happens to products in the shopping basket when they are added to a wishlist.
Clear basket after adding to wishlist
If this option is active and a complete shopping basket is added to a wishlist, all products are removed from the shopping basket.
Define how the wishlist extension should behave in the checkout.
Show Wishlist tool in offcanvas
Allows the customer to load an existing wishlist in the Offcanvas shopping basket or to save the shopping basket as a wishlist. Possible settings are: - No - Above offcanvas basket - Bellow offcanvas basket
Show Wishlist tool in basket
Allows the customer to load an existing wishlist in the shopping basket or to save the shopping basket as a wishlist. Possible settings are: - No - Above basket - Bellow basket
Show Wishlists in checkout
Displays the customer's wishlists in the checkout and allows products to be added to the shopping basket. Possible settings are: - No - Above checkout - Bellow checkout
The following settings control the behaviour of the products in the wishlist.
Show product details on modal window
If activated, details of the product in a wishlist are displayed in a modal window after clicking on the product name.
Show add all to shopping cart button
Show button "Add all to shopping cart". If option is disabled a button "Add selected to shopping cart" is shown.
Show basket button on every article
If activated, a shopping basket button is displayed for each item in the wishlist.
Show article number for wishlist articles
By activating this option, the corresponding product number is displayed for each product item in the wishlist.
Enable sorting for articles in wishlist
Activating this setting allows the customer to sort their products within wishlists.
Show add by article number
Provides the option of adding an item directly to a wishlist by entering the item number.